With high house prices driving people to purchasing smaller, more affordable houses, lots of home owners are looking for ways to maximise space without losing use or quality. If you’re trying to organise your home so it performs as many functions as possible then a day bed might be one solution.
When organising your home, you might find that you’re stuck deciding what function each room should have. Lots of people don’t use dining rooms nowadays, and this might give you an extra room to play with. Common uses for extra rooms are second lounges and extra bedrooms.
Second lounges are often popular as they allow for more space to relax. Often families find that people want to do different things at the same time – having a second lounge allows for this. Younger people who may be more likely to have friends visiting regularly might also find that having a second lounge means there’s more room for the additional people in the house. Extra bedrooms are also popular as they allow for a private space for your guests to stay.
So which should you have? A second lounge or an extra bedroom? How about both?
One way to achieve this would be to have a sofa bed – sofa beds generally fold out to become a temporary bed for your guests. One problem with sofa beds, however, is that the ‘bed’ often isn’t anywhere near as comfy as a normal bed. If you have regular guests then providing them with a ‘proper’ bed would surely be much better… but you still want that lounge space.
Not to worry, there’s a perfect solution that’s both stylish and functional – day beds.
Somewhat glamorous in style, day beds have the air of a chaise longue. They are like a bench that is also a bed – with a proper mattress. This means that you can choose whatever style and comfort level you require (and you can replace it when it gets old!).
During the day you can furnish the bed with cushions for relaxing and socialising, but at night it’s just as useful as a normal bed, with all the comfort and support you would expect from one.
With additional options such as day beds with trundles (for more than one guest), they’re definitely worth considering if you’re in search of a practical way to put guests up, without compromising on style the rest of the time.
***This is a guest post***
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