If you aren’t sure if you are allowing pests into your home or not then this is the guide for you. Here you will find out what steps you can take to stop pests from making your home their own.
Home Maintenance
Your home might well be your castle but for pests, it can be their shelter from the elements. If you have a very old house then you may find that you have a higher chance of having gaps, chips, cracks and various other signs of wear and tear. If you find an opening within your home then there is a chance that a rat or a mouse will see it first, so you need to do something about this. Even the tiniest holes can be a bit of an issue, as rodents can find their way of getting into the smallest of spaces. Rats in particular have a very unique ability which helps them to fit into very small holes.
If you can, you need to find ways to create a routine that involves checking your home. You will soon find that you can look for any new issues by doing this. Just put a primary focus on exterior walls first so you can assess them for any vulnerabilities. When you do find a gap or a crack, it is very easy for you to use sealant or even filler to ensure that it is not penetrable. If you have a larger gap then choosing foam filler is the way to go, but putting some steel wool in there will help the most as this will stop them from chewing through the sealant.
Rotten windows and doors should be replaced, as they may allow pests into your space. You should also take care regarding the rafters too. The gaps there will allow pests to live in your home, meaning that they will breed and the infestation will grow. Remember that the time you take to keep your home in good condition will be less time-consuming than having to take care of the pests.
Pests need a food source in order to survive. They have to have sustenance and this is especially the case if they have a family that they need to feed. If you can take the time to remove any food sources then this will help reduce the risk and discourage pests from entering your home. Deprive pests of food and you will soon find that they lose interest in your home.
Do not allow your kitchen cupboards to become a larder for rats or mice, as pests can easily squeeze in the gaps under your doors, say the experts from www.corkyspest.com. Practice good food hygiene by taking the time to clear any crumbs, wipe up spillages and wash dishes right away rather than leaving them stacked by the sink. Scrape any leftovers into a bin with a lid if you can and take the time to get them emptied on a regular basis. If you have teenagers then have a stern word with them about leaving plates in their room. The threat of having a rat will more than likely be enough to make a difference here. Finally, it’s wise to ensure that your bins are double-bagged.
Pests need water to survive too. Some pests, including cockroaches, are actually drawn to humidity and moisture. It stops their bodies from drying out. If you know that your home suffers from a lot of condensation then use a dehumidifier and try to dry out the room. Wipe away any condensation as it appears on the windows too.
Dripping taps or puddles of water can easily become a water source for pests. If you know that you have a leak then don’t delay in calling out a plumber. If you do then you may find that the problem ends up growing with time and this is the last thing you need.
Dealing with clutter isn’t just about trying to make your home look like it is from an Instagram photo. Piles of paper and clothing, or even bedding can make great hiding places for pests around the home. Pests like to stay hidden at the end of the day, and the last thing you need is to create a haven for them to feel safe and secure when moving around your home.
Clutter is also the best nesting material for mice and rats. They are expert at creating nests out of things like this, not just for them but also for their growing family. If you can keep your home neat and tidy then this will make it way less attractive for most pests. It also means that you will be able to spot the signs of an infestation with more efficiency and be in a better position to do something about it. Termites are also very good at making your home their own. If you believe your home has got termites, look into termite treatment chemicals to help you deal with an infestation.
If you are someone who likes to leave the light on every time you leave the house then you may find that your home ends up attracting pests. For example, flying insects like moths and gnats end up being drawn to your home and love being near the brightest lights. If you want to reduce the risk of insects being drawn to your lights, then try yellow lights instead.
It’s also worth keeping temperature in mind. When the weather is colder, pests tend to look for somewhere to stay that’s warm and dry. During the winter, mice may take up residence in your home, attic or even your garage, huddling up to boiler pipes or in cosy corners. Rats and even squirrels are also very similar in their approach, so take the time to seal off any access points and reduce the risk of unwanted visitors.
Why not see if you can make a major difference today by taking measures to stop rodents and pests from making your home their own? At the end of the day, prevention is better than cure and it may even save you a small fortune.
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