It has often been said that the best things come in small packages. However, this might not always appear to be the case if you happen to be dealing with a small room. How can you make the most out of such a tiny footprint while imbuing the area with a unique sense of style? Let’s take a look at why bespoke wall art could represent the ideal solution as well as the benefits that such an approach can offer.
Creating Interest

Many interior designers rightfully observe that wall art is often used to create a focal point within a room. In other words, it will immediately grab the attention of visitors when they enter. This is an excellent way to avoid the sensation of feeling cramped or closed in.
Compliment Nearby Elements

Every room within a home should be designed with aesthetics in mind. This provides a sense of visual balance and it is often the best way to begin defining the “personality” of the environment itself. For example, the framed wall art here can be used to accommodate a host of themes such as:
- Abstract images
- Disney-inspired pieces
- Sports
- Music
- Animals
So, spend a bit of time determining how you would like to “flavour” your room before coming to a final decision.
Let There be Light
It is a well-known fact that lighter colours will provide the illusion of additional space. Bright tones such as whites, off-whites and pastels essentially trick the eyes into believing that the environment itself is larger than its physical dimensions. So, why not choose wall art that is predominantly displays these tones? Note that wall-hung art is also a practical way to break up an otherwise bare wall and to add a sense of depth into a room.
All About the Perception of Height
Many professionals recommend hanging horizontal wall art above large pieces of furniture such as beds and sofas. The theory here is that these shapes create a feeling of synergy.
In the same respect, purchasing wall art that is predominantly defined by vertical designs is yet another way to “stretch” the dimensions of your room. This is also an excellent strategy to employ if you do not have a great deal of free wall space. Similar to how vertically striped clothing can provide a thinning effect, narrower images can work wonders.
Stick with a Single Theme
On a final note, always try to embrace a uniform theme (such as nature, animals or abstract art). The room might otherwise begin to feel cluttered. Note that the themes themselves can be modified on occasion, providing a pleasant change of pace.

We can now see that even smaller spaces can be easily transformed into accommodating environments with the help of wall art. Feel free to experiment, as a bit of inspiration will certainly provide stunning results!
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