Decluttering your home can easily feel overwhelming. Clutter slowly builds up over years until it’s so easy to not even notice it anymore. Random things creep into drawers, piles of papers stay on the worktops, old clothes still hang in the wardrobe…
Fighting clutter in the home is a constant battle, but it doesn’t have to feel like a losing one. By discovering a few decluttering methods that work for you, the process will soon feel second nature and be the first step to getting an organised home that you can maintain.
We’ve put together 6 proven tips for decluttering so you can start your journey to an organised home.
1. Choose a small area

Always start small. It can often feel like the decluttering to-do-list is never ending, putting you off starting in the first place. However, breaking down the list into manageable areas will create specific tasks you can begin to plan. Instead of starting with an entire room, start with a bookshelf or cupboard. This way, you’ll ease into the decluttering mindset without overwhelming yourself or making yourself want to quit halfway through the job. Once you have decluttered a few times you can begin to challenge yourself with larger areas of the home. However, always make sure you feel confident with the task and don’t overload yourself.
2. Make a timeline
After you have chosen your target area, make a timeline of how long you think it’ll take. Running out of time half way through decluttering because life got in the way can leave you feeling more stressed and sworn off the whole process. Creating a timeline can help prevent this by giving you a structure to follow throughout the day. It’s good to note that however long you think the task will be, it’ll invariably take twice the amount of time. Allowing for distractions or hiccups will help your decluttering timeline run as smoothly as possible.
3. Donate, recycle or throw away

A good tip for starting to declutter is to work out what you are going to do with any unwanted items in advance. It’s helpful deciding which items not to keep, but if you haven’t got a plan with how to remove them from your home, it’s easy for these items to end up back where they started. Create four piles as you begin sorting through your belongings:
a) items to be kept
b) items in good condition to be donated
c) items to be recycled
d) items to be thrown away.
Have lots of bin bags at the ready and organise a charity collection so you can action these piles and prevent them from sneaking back into your home once you’ve decluttered.
4. Buy storage in advance
Decluttering is all about the preparation. Ordering storage solutions in advance will not only encourage you to start the process but leave you feeling satisfied at the end of a long day when you can store items in their new homes. Choose storage solutions that reflect your own style and personality. Experiment with textures and colours to find the perfect storage combinations that compliment your home’s interior design.
5. Find routines

The key to maintaining an organised home is to find routines where you can regularly declutter to prevent unnecessary items from being stockpiled again. Sorting through your belongings doesn’t have to be a monumental task that requires all your time and energy. Finding just 5 minutes a day to throw away the junk mail or to quickly clear through a shelf in the fridge will help keep your home organised and clutter-free. For bigger tasks, break them down into weekly and monthly routines. You may clear the pantry out each week but clear your closet out each month.
6. Ask for help
Lastly, decluttering never has to be a solo-sport. Asking friends and family to help can not only ease the load, but make a sometimes daunting process more fun and enjoyable. Having a second pair of eyes can also ensure you are being as strict as possible with the items you are wanting to keep. If you are wanting more professional help, researching a local decluttering service online can be a great way to start the ball rolling.
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