Looking at the list of sunniest states in the US, Texas is number 4 among 12 such places. The eastern side of the region is subtropical, while the western part is primarily arid desert. Hence, it’s easy to assume why Texas receives plenty of sunlight, amounting to 5,137 kJ/m² on average. In this bright American state, sunshine is expected around the year, especially on the western side. If you head to Amarillo or El Paso, these places witness about 3,300 to 3,750 hours of sunlight annually. Even in the winter, you can have sunlight for half a day daily. No wonder this place is so hot, and people want to switch to solar. Do you also want to take a step toward green energy? If yes, explore the options that make your access to solar power more affordable.
Federal Solar Tax Credit
You can expect a 30% tax credit for solar panel installation. Due to reduced tax liability, you save a good amount of money directly. Your payback period also gets reduced. Everyone’s credits and deductions can be different based on their financial health. No matter what, you can still expect the incentives to make solar power more affordable.
Solar Property Tax Exemption
Transitioning to solar power can be a good move to minimize your carbon footprint and electricity expenses simultaneously. You can still have electricity in your house during prolonged power outages or blackouts. These reasons are more than enough to adopt solar energy. But you can also make the most of this experience in Texas by leveraging property tax exemption for solar-powered homes.
Net Metering
Your solar system can generate extra power based on the solar panel sizes. What to do with the excess energy? Store it in a solar battery for non-sunny days or bad weather conditions. You can also benefit from the net metering program that empowers you to sell electricity to solar companies. If you use a power meter, this will be automatically taken care of. Although not mandatory, some utility companies offer these programs. Eligible households get credits for sending back extra electricity to the grid. The compensation can vary based on specific terms and conditions. You can reap its benefits by being aware of its latest developments.
A few aspects of choosing solar energy
While opting for cleaner energy sources is the need of the hour and is favored by the economics, your choice of the solar system ultimately plays a critical role. Some materials can be expensive but offer more electricity. You can opt for them by seeking up to 30% tax rebates. Suppose a specific solar system costs around USD $15k. You can find USD $4500 worth of exemption. Also, you don’t need to worry about the rising value of your property due to solar panels. Property tax can exempt you from this.
Installing solar systems in your home can prove financially advantageous over and above the environmental factors. So, partner with the right solar company that can assist you with harnessing the power of this energy source hassle-free.
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