We’re not really very good at dealing with extreme heat in the UK – after all, we get very little practice! In Europe, houses are built with very thick walls for insulation and shutters to keep out the mid-day sun. Air conditioning is much more common, as well.
Here, we just have to hang on and wait for the weather to break! If you’re struggling to keep cool this summer, though, there’s plenty you can do to make yourself comfortable without resorting to an expensive air conditioning unit. Here are some of our favourite tips and tricks.
![Keep blinds shut when it's hot outside.](https://i0.wp.com/www.freshdesignblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/how-keep-cool-home-hot-temperatures-heat-summer-tips-hints-tricks-4.jpg?resize=1024%2C702&ssl=1)
1. Keep the heat out
Our number one tip is ‘don’t let the heat into the house in the first place’! Opening doors and windows in the middle of the day just lets hot air in. Only open windows overnight, and keep them closed between 10am and 10pm. Draw curtains and blinds, as well. The exception to this is conservatories, where you’ll have to have the windows open 24 hours a day to let super-heated air escape. Encourage airflow by opening windows on opposite sides of the house overnight.
2. Keep cool with water
One of the most efficient ways of cooling yourself down is by keeping damp! Keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge and spray yourself with a fine mist regularly to keep your temperature down. Run your wrists under cold water to cool pulse points. Lightly spray bed linen with water just before you go to sleep – the evaporation will help cool you off.
3. Stop cooking
Try to avoid using the oven or hob when it’s very hot, as you’ll just heat up the kitchen and any bedrooms above it as well. Salads and fruit are welcome when it’s hot, or cook using the microwave. Alternatively, you can always fire up the barbecue! Similarly, turn off any non-essential electrical appliances that may generate heat.
4. Get a fan
Fans don’t generate cold air, they only move hot air around. Make yours more efficient by placing a bowl of ice cubes in front of it so it pushes the cooler air through your home. Little battery-operated hand-held fans are lifesavers at your desk or at night, as well.
5. Leave home
If it really is unbearable at home (particularly if you’re trying to work), then it could be worth finding a public library or cafe with air conditioning. The added benefit of a cafe is that you can treat yourself to a couple of iced drinks!
6. Keep it natural
Replace polyester sheets and nightwear with cotton or linen. Artificial fibres trap moisture and don’t breathe, whereas natural materials help to keep you a more comfortable temperature.
7. The game’s afoot
Cooling your feet really helps to reduce your overall body temperature, so if you’re struggling then plunge your feet into a bowl of cold water for a few minutes. You could also try spraying with water, as above. Put a wet flannel in a plastic bag or tub and pop it in the freezer, then apply to the soles of your feet or insides of your wrists for instant relief.
And don’t worry – before you know it, we’ll be back to watching the rain and wishing for a bit of sunshine!
All images (c) 2022 Pixabay.
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