Do you love your home? Do you think it’s worthy of being seen by a wider audience? Well, it’s a possibility that it could end up on TV – and that applies not only to unusual locations but ordinary homes, as well. While locations like Highclere Castle (the real life Downton Abbey) have an obvious appeal, TV series and films are set in a huge range of places, from terraced houses to old farms. If there’s anything unusual about your home, it may give you more chance of it being used – but any home can be suitable. Here’s what to do.

- First of all, you need to take some clear images of your home. Make sure there are not pets or people visible, and take a photo of each room from at least two angles. Include pics of the garden and exterior, front and back. If you have any separate outbuildings, photograph them too.
- Now, register your property with an agency such as UK Film Location ,Location Works or Shoot Factory. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be accepted, though. If the agency has too many of a similar type of property on its books, for example, then they may decide not to add you as well. There’s nothing to stop you trying another agency, though! You’ll also be asked to describe your access and parking arrangements. Film crews don’t travel light, and there may be several dozen people arriving on set at the location – not much good if you live in a small cul-de-sac with no parking. You’ll also need fairly big rooms for the same reason – often ten or 12 people need to be in there at once. You’ll stand a better chance of being chosen if you’re fairly close to a major city or good transport links, as this will minimise travelling for the crew.
- Sit back and wait to be teamed up. You’re unlikely to get flooded with offers, unless you have something unique, and it may take a while to get noticed at all! If the filming takes more than a few hours, you may be asked to move out completely and will be put up somewhere else.
How to maximise your chances of your home being used as a film location

As we’ve already said, some of it is luck and your home just happening to catch someone’s else at the right time. Rather unfairly though, filming breeds filming – by which we mean if you’re already been used once you’re more likely to be used again! Be prepared to be flexible, as sometimes requests can come through at the last minute as other locations fall through.

You also should be prepared not to be too houseproud! While film crews are insured and will put back anything they’re changed (often leaving it better than before), there’s still a chance that with all those people in the house something precious may get knocked or broken. It’s best to tidy away any personal belongings or anything precious beforehand, but this can mean a lot of work. You might also be asked to clear rooms entirely so different furniture can be moved in.
Store a few items you care about most
Short-term storage solutions can be a lifesaver for those times when you need a few extra items stored away while the crew is filming at your home. It gives you the peace of mind knowing that they are close by but also secure. No matter your needs or location, there is likely a luggage storage option to fit them, such as luggage storage nyc. Whether it’s an extra bag of clothes or kitsch gifts from abroad, storing these in luggage lockers can free up space and make sure these items are looked after until you have time to pick them up.
You’re unlikely to make a fortune from renting out your home. TV film crews may pay a couple of hundred pounds a day, while filming for advertisements may pay two or three times that. It’s normally interesting and good fun, though – although there’s a chance that most of your family may be asked to go out for the day!
All images: Pixabay
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