If you’re looking for a fun and funky modern alternative to traditional Christmas stockings, then these fabulous Union Jack design hanging socks by Karen Hilton could be the perfect solution!
Made from cotton and felt, the Christmas socks come with a little felt loop at the top, making the perfect to hang up along your fireplace, or on the end of a bed, ready for santa to fill with surprises; or you could simply hang them in your home as part of your Christmas decorations.
The toes of the socks are stuffed to give it a wonderful pixie-esque elf curl, finished off with a fluffy ball on the end, but there’s still plenty of room in the body of the sock for gifts to go in.
The Union Jack Christmas stocking socks are by Karen Hilton Designs, available in a choice of funky colours, and can be purchased from Swanky Maison for £21.
Love the stockings and the union jack cushion!