People who like to fix things themselves instead of calling a professional have likely picked up a few expert tips over the years. Whether fixing your car or home appliances, sometimes there’s no need to call a professional do to the job for you. With a little hands-on research, you can save yourself a few extra dollars and keep your plumbing, electricity, and devices in top working order.
DIY projects can be fun, but they can also be time-consuming and expensive. This guide will show you some nifty tricks to help you fix common home problems fast and easily.
Acquire the Right Gear

A good half of any job comes with buying stuff in advance. If you need a plumber to take a look at your pipes, it’s going to cost you even before they start working on your house. However, if you have the right equipment and guides you can do the same job for a lot less.
Begin with the basics, if you’re not sure what equipment you should acquire first. For instance, a general tool kit should include basics like hammers and screwdrivers. You can also include engineered fasteners, which are a modern alternative to traditional fasteners such as hex nuts and screws. Once you acquire the right tools, you can move on to purchasing equipment that you think will be the most useful to you. Soon, you’ll have your own collection that you can use whenever there’s any maintenance emergency.
Reuse Raw Materials
Have you ever done anything creative with the old items you have? It would be sad to see old items go to waste if you can turn them into something useful.
For example, a solid wood chopping board can be reused for other purposes. It might become a shelf or a decorative mount for hanging your keys, or a mirror. In addition, you can reuse any hardware salvaged from broken furniture to make new ones. These pieces often have beautiful and distinctive looks but cannot be sold due to their worn or damaged condition.
Bleed Your Radiators
It’s quite common for homes to have excess air in heating systems, which can reduce efficiency and make annoying sounds. You should bleed your radiators of the air to eliminate this problem. Keep in mind that you don’t need professionals for this, as it is a simple process requiring just the right tools.
You can open a radiator valve by using a radiator key that is usually located at the top of a radiator. Note that bleeding radiators can cause low water pressure in your boiler system, so make sure you check the manual of your specific unit to find out how to increase it again.
Paint Tricky Areas With a Painting Mitt
Painting, as any DIY-er with a white wall can tell you, is annoying. The solution, as it turns out, might be right in front of your eyes. You can use mitts to paint along difficult corners and edges, like the ones around stair spindles. With a mitt, these areas are easier for the painter to reach, saving them time and effort. Painting mitts are made from lamb’s wool and have been around for quite a while. They are fantastic for small, tight places in your painting project.
You can even use old gloves or an old sock to varnish the furniture legs or give your stairs an updated look. This makes a truly time-saving DIY project for anyone who wants to spend minimal time on these jobs.

Get Dents Out of Wood
Dents in wood surfaces are annoying and can put a damper on a beautiful piece. Fortunately, they can be easily fixed. Just get a damp washcloth and ring it out to remove any excess water, then place the cloth over the dent. Now, turn your iron on its highest setting and place it on the damp washcloth that is over the area where you want to remove creases.
Make small back-and-forth movements and circles with your hand, holding each section for about 10 seconds without letting go. Before moving on, press down firmly and continue until your washcloth is dry. The water should evaporate quickly. Once the wood fibres absorb it, it will expand back to its original size. Continue applying water until the dents rise to be flush with the rest of the material.
Final Thoughts
You may think that repairing your car or installing your lighting is difficult because not everyone is good with technology and appliances. However, you can still maintain your home without the help of professionals whether you’re a DIY newbie or a pro. Just make sure you get the right gear, learn at every chance you get, and keep track of your equipment and projects.
Featured image credit: Pixabay
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