No matter whether it’s having more flexibility over your working hours, spending less time on the daily commute, maintaining a healthy work/life balance, or enjoying a whole host of cost savings, there are plenty of reasons why starting a business from home makes perfect sense.
But, in order to make a success of your independent venture, you’ll need a space that’s conducive to work, otherwise distraction and procrastination are bound to set in. You could also get a loan if you wish to make the place look like a professional workspace, as there are plenty of debt help assistance you can now find online that can help you slowly pay off your debts.
Here’s a few tips and tricks on how to set up the best space for your home business.
Dedicate a room or space solely for work
What do the companies Amazon, Microsoft, Disney, Apple and Google have in common? Sure they’re hugely successful and leaders in their respective industries, but each and every one of them were established in a garage.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you should follow suit by converting your garage into a home office. However, it is crucial to have a dedicated space solely for work, be it a spare room you can shut the door on every day or a prefabricated shed in your garden. This will ensure privacy and focus when you need it most.
Establish home office hours and stick to them
Flexibility over your working hours is one of the perks you can enjoy with a business from home. But as founder of The Writing King Richard Lowe explains, it makes sense to establish fixed office hours or else you’ll give into interruptions too easily.
“I had to make it very clear that if I was in my ‘office’, at that time a small room to the side of the living room, I was not to be interrupted. At first my family was offended, but eventually, they understood this was not personal—I was trying to make a living and had to set boundaries.”
Think carefully about comfort
If you’re going to be sitting down for several hours of the day, you shouldn’t think twice about investing in a comfortable and supportive chair. Ergonomic options might seem expensive but are well worthwhile in the long run.
Another consideration when it comes comfort is your choice of desk. After all, health experts say that sitting is the new smoking in terms of increasing heart disease and cancer as well as diabetes and obesity. While the health benefits of sit-stand desks remain inconclusive, they still promote movement throughout the day.
Don’t mix business with pleasure
A healthy work/life balance is yet another advantage of having your own home office. But there are some things that need to remain within the realms of business, such as your finances.
“It’s important to make sure business and personal checking and savings accounts are separate,” says Jeff White of Fit Small Business. “This will save you loads of time and effort at tax time, not to mention throughout the year if you pay quarterly. Also, if you are ever audited, having a business bank account will make it much easier to prove that your books are balanced correctly.”
For more ideas on creating a perfect office at home, take a look at our guide to creating a functional home office, choosing furniture for your home office and Sara’s review of the Pro Plus 36 Varidesk, that allows you to sit or stand as you work.
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