As your child reaches their teenage years, they’ll no longer want to sleep in a bedroom decorated with unicorns, teddy bears or their previously favourite childhood icons. It’s time to upgrade their bedroom into a teenage paradise, that better serves their changing needs and so they can invite their friends over without getting embarrassed.
Here are five tips on how you could create a perfect teenage bedroom and a space that your teen will love hanging out in.
1. Upgrade the Bed
Let’s be honest, teenagers go to bed late, and will happily laze in their bed until gone lunchtime. A recent study has discovered that a child will upgrade to a teenage bed from their bunk or single at, on average, 12 years old, just in time for their growth spurt to start.
You should start looking into purchasing a bed that is slightly more adult like, and bigger. If you don’t think your teenager is ready for a full-sized double bed or a king size bed, then shops such as Happy Beds sell small double beds, big enough to starfish, yet not quite as big as a double. You can check out their range here.
2. Use Plain Colours On Walls

Teenagers can be fickle and are quick to be influenced by designs that they see online or in their friends’ bedrooms. If your teen is likely to change their mind about their decor choice, it’s a good idea to decorate the walls with paint, rather than wallpaper.
If you keep the wall colours plain, the bedroom decor shouldn’t go too much off trend, and it’s easier to add other pops of colour through the use of accessories and bedding.
3. Let Teens Express Themselves
Not many teenagers will want a completely plain bedroom, and will want to add their own stamp to it! If they need new bedding, cushions or curtains, let your teen choose it so it meets their idea of a perfect teenage bedroom. The same goes for other accessories, such as pictures, ornaments and art. Your teen will appreciate being able to add their own photographs, posters and accessories to personalise their space.
Once you’ve redecorated their bedrooms walls, it’s a good idea for them to only use Blu Tac and to stay far away from Sellotape and glue. This will ensure they can replace these with new photos throughout their teenage years and get rid of anything they outgrow without damaging the walls.
4. Create a Desk Space

Unfortunately for teenagers, they’re most likely going to have more homework, more coursework to do and they will have plenty of exams to revise for. Giving your teenager their own desk or work space is really important as it means they can study in their own environment, escaping the noises from around the house.
You want to encourage your teen to study hard and complete coursework, so dedicate an area of their bedroom to study and equip them with a good desk and chair to work at.
5. Add More Storage
It’s amazing how much stuff teens can gather, especially if they get a part-time job and have money to spend on clothes and other items. Whether they need shelves for books or music, or a decent sized wardrobe for their growing clothes collection, having plenty of storage in their bedroom is a necessity.
This post has some great suggestions on how you can maximise the storage in a smaller bedroom. By being creative and making the most of different storage solutions, you can ensure there’s a place for everything and, in theory, reduce the chance that it all gets left on the floor!
(Disclosure: Contributed guest post)
Great article and inspiring home décor!
I completely agree on the importance of letting teens express themselves and thaks for the plain color’s tip!
Also I really love how vases were used: here in Murano we have a long tradition of glass vases, so whenever I see these object valued in home décor I feel very happy.