Designs can inspire ideas and feelings that can’t always be expressed with words – at least, that’s the thought behind the work of London-based designer, Andy Hau, who runs A.H.A Design.
Andy is inspired by storytelling, memories and childhood experiences and it’s fully recognisable in his work. His products include cushions and cards featuring some endearing and wistful designs.
Two of the cushion designs we like are 100 starlings rising, with its mass of swirling birds, and the persistence of volition which features a sofa floating from a patchwork hot air balloon. Both of the cushions are reversible, with a signature fox print featured on the back.
Andy Hau currently has a special greeting card available, which could be perfect for Mother’s Day. The fox and the hummingbird card is dedicated to the memory of Andy’s mum, and the proceeds of sales are going to Bowel Cancer UK.
Some excellent designs there. I always think cushions are a terrific way of adding a fresh look to a room, and at minimal cost.