Oak is one of the finest natural materials in the home. Coming from centuries of tradition, oak was once used only in the homes of the privileged few, though today we are all lucky enough to enjoy the splendours of oak.
Here are some of our favourite examples of oak furniture.
The Bookcase
There really is no other piece of furniture which says so much about a person.
Used by many as a window into their personality, who they are and who they want to be, bookcases are a brilliant way of showing guests who you really are. In fact, a recent survey found that 71% per cent of us claim to have read classic books in order to look more sophisticated.
The Kitchen Table
Though it may not seem so when you’re actually there, the kitchen table can be one of the most important family pieces of furniture in the hose.
In the fast paced world of the 21st century, the kitchen table is one of the very few places where everybody is at the same place at once; a great way to spend some real family time together and catch up on each other’s lives.
Having a sturdy and well-made oak table is a perfect way to do this.
The Door
You may not realise it, but the common door is the first thing that a person sees about your home, so it is important to make the right impression.
Oakwood Doors for example, supply the finest internal oak doors available and are great additions to any home.
Although you don’t think about doors too much in life, they do very quickly become a part of the home and are easily noticeable once that they are replaced.
***This is a guest post from Oakwood Doors***
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