You can never have enough trays in your kitchen as they’re useful for so many occasions.
Big trays that you can pile everything on are great, but it’s also useful to have some smaller ones handy for serving afternoon tea or popping a few cakes or biscuits on when you’re entertaining.
This fun and funky tray is described as a ‘dessert tray’ and measures 15 inches by 6 inches in size. It’s made of hard-wearing melamine and features a long white dachshund dog against a multi-coloured stripe background.
You’ll find the happy hot dog tray in stock at Hunkydory Home.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Fresh Design Blog and SKINFLINT DESIGN, Rainbow Bends. Rainbow Bends said: Happy hot dog tray from Hunkydory Home: You can never have enough trays in your kitchen as they’re useful for so m… http://bit.ly/bgyraK […]