One of the latest baking crazes to hit the UK is that of the whoopie pie. Not nearly so elegant as the cupcake, the whoopie pie is a mini American-style sponge cake that is sandwiched together with a buttercream filling and often iced or decorated with frosting on top too.
If you’re keen to unleash your baking abilities and have a go at making your own whoopie pies, then here’s a tin that will make your job much easier. The whoopie pie cake tin is the perfect size to make a whoopie pie – it conducts heat evenly, so your cakes will remain light and moist and won’t dry out – and it has room to make 12 whoopie pies in one bake off.
The whoopie pie cake tin is £7.99 from De Cuisine and they provide a recipe too, to help you get straight into cooking. For more whoopie pie cooking ideas and inspiration, you may like to check out the Whoopie Pies book.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Fresh Design Blog, Rainbow Bends. Rainbow Bends said: Whoopie pie bakeware cake tin and recipe: One of the latest baking crazes to hit the UK is that of the whoopie pie… […]