If you’re a fan of truly unique furniture and also love recycled items, then this fab table from Jamie Ward Furniture may well appeal.
The unusual table is produced using various elements of old reclaimed wood, which effectively mixes different types of old furniture styles, to create a new design piece.
There is only one of the table pictured available – each one is different – but it’s ready to buy from Jamie Ward Furniture. Other table and chair designs are available too.
There’s something so special about each piece being unique – something so undervalued in today’s society. Nice to see!
Just love that Table, will take alook at his website, hope it’s not 2 expensive. xx
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Sorry you found it difficult to read. Which areas in particular caused problems?
Brilliant! I find it great that recycled furniture (and other items) are becoming cool in our era. The more we can redirect from landfill the better.