M&S may not be the first place you think to look for wallpaper, but they do have some very nice wallpapers available, including this tree silhouette design.
Described as being mocha in colour, the wallpaper features an overlapping tree silhouette design, with a silvery white tree motif dotted around over the top. When the light shines on the wallpaper, it almost creates a two-dimensional effect.
It’s a very elegant design and, teamed with matching metal accessories in a room, can look extremely good on the wall. It would also be a great choice for a single, statement wall.
The tree silhouette wallpaper is priced at £19.50 for a 52cm x 10m roll.
Yeah I’d agree. The colors of the wall paper make it super easy to match to metal. Just the way it’s displayed there looks great.
does anyone know where to get the tree silhouette wallpaper from marks and spencers as they don’t stock it any more?